Dollhouse 1x09 Haunted

Friday, April 10th, at 9 PM ET/PT.

Dominatrix Echo!

Echo as dominatrix. I could see Faith doing that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Didnt that happen in season 1 of Angel…the whole torture Wesley thing

S&M Barbie! bwhahahahaha :smiley:

I’ll be in my bunk…

Well, a lot more pain and a lot less pleasure, IIRC. :slight_smile:

These shows are for teenage guy.

I like November the best. She is so very very pretty

I’m not a teenager. What does that say about me? :smiley:

Is something big supposed to happen in this ep?

Ain’t no way Dollhouse can top that ep of TSCC!!
Hell I think it just kicked the (sorry chuck) of a BSG a little…

The show is for you. Or they want you to watch.

wow thats some art class

I think Sierra slightly resembles Kaylee. They look alike from the upper lip up

I’m with you there. She is very pretty. Also, I don’t go for these waify chicks.

She really is. I especially like that she isn’t the usual emaciated model type that’s generally on these sorts of shows, just a genuinely beautiful normal woman. :slight_smile:

I agree. That was some serious levels of awesomeness

Echo is getting smart.

Wow…Echo knows what the chair is for. or figured it out.