Dollhouse 1x06 Man on the Street

Starting at 11pm EST, 4th of July.

Starting Now…

“There is only one reason people volunteer to be slaves…”
They need a paycheck?

So is that a woman-reaction? :eek:

Are you out of your f**king mind? :rolleyes:

That claim has been made about me on several occasions. :slight_smile:

Patton! :smiley:

Did he just kill that guy? :eek:

“Porn!” :smiley:

Points- “Porn!”


“Floogle, and facebooker”
Just enough to avoid the lawsuit. :slight_smile:

Knowing what we know about Boyd, it’s interesting seeing him work.

“Are you always going to show up bleeding? 'Cause it’s funny how I’m not getting used to it.” :smiley:

“Noise is upsetting”
“That wasn’t quiet.”

“That could be sweet for some guys.”

Oh. This episode.

Yeah, this blew my mind the first time through. :eek:

Now I know they are fighting and hurting each other, but fighting in a kitchen is really dangerous.

Yep. Makes me wonder what they really had planned for Ballard.

That was just fucked up. :eek:

With all of the fucked up stuff in this episode, you do have to be a little more specific. :wink: