Dollhouse 1x02 The Target

Part two of teh Dollhouse Frak party. 11PM.

Startring now…

“He can’t…. He shouldn’t…. He did.” :eek:

You are in the middle of "Why would you want to be out there’? :slight_smile:

My DVD is starting to flake on me a little…

Look, It’s Badger!

The Other Badger!

That guy that is Banging Echo, he was the male lead on a short lived show called “The Middleman”. Lots of fun, should have been renewed. You would have thought it ws on Fox.

This Dude’s all kinds of fucked up. :eek:

I’m watching on Netflix.

And another thing about the people involved. You are in a business that most people would consider to be unethical, and even though you are probably being paid VERY well you have to keep quiet about everything you see. Also there is the implied threat that if you wanted to leave, you’re brain would could be wiped. So how ethical are the people that are involved really? And would they or could they be held to any contracts that they sign?

So my DVD is still flaking.

So the question is: Is the crazy guy working on his own, or was he a tool of Alpha? And if he was working on his own, What did he think would happen when the Dollhouse went looking for him? A rich person like him wouldn’t be able to hide long without loosing his money.

So I had to switch to plan B, I’m playing the DVD on my PC instead.

He’s doing this on his own, I think. I’m guessing that since he paid extra, he probably thinks he’s paid “the optional insurance”, like renting a car.

ETA: OTOH, Alpha may have played some part. :rolleyes:

Like a Slayer! :cool:

So I forgot that last little bit, it looks like Alpha did set the crazy guy on echo.

So next week is going to be a maybe for me. I have to check my schedule and see how bad work is.


Let me know. Good night. :slight_smile: