Does anyone else think...

that a major story line in Caprica will be to justify the end of BSG?

By this I mean: illustrating the greed, discrimination, and corruption of the 12 Colonies and thus make people think that the cylon attack / re-birth of the human race was a necessity.

Hasn’t The Day The Earth Stood Still just showed us - again - that such drastic measures are never a “necessity”?

I have not viewed the new “The Day the Earth Stood Still” yet…

but I wouldn’t say “never”.

It’s possible I guess. I’m thinking it’s going to be more about explaining what lead up to the attacks - not necessarily justifying but showing how it happened more clearly.

The Day the Earth Stood Still showed us that many things are not necessary. Which were you thinking of?

I really really really hope not, because you can’t really justify a genocide or at least I hoe they dont’ try to

I think it wil show us life before the colonies, life before all of this crap went down, and the creation of the cylons. I can’t honestly say I’m on the edge of my seat, but we’ll see what happens

I hope to see something aboot the creation of the Cylons aswell !!!

I’m pretty sure whatever its aboot, I’m going to watch. As long as its some how connected to BSG, I’m in.

So Say We All !

I think its going to be more about the origin of cylons and their religion.
We already know what Humans did.
Used Cylons for labor and made them fight wars.
What we dont know is where they came from exactly and how they developed their religious beliefs and drive to be more human. And thats what I hope the show will be about.

When the announcement was made that Caprica would be a prequel series to BSG, I got the impression, based on the proposed time frame, that it would focus on either the rise of the Cylons or the time-period immediately following the first war, but I’m not sure. The “family oriented sci-fi” I read about made me a little leary but I realized that there’s very little sci-fi in BSG either once I thought about it. Strip away the FTL’s and the space fights and you could set the story in the Egyptian desert during the reign of the pharaohs (not that that is exactly new information). Based on that, my guess would be this show will focus on the original creation of the Cylons, and in true sci-fi fashion, show us how they could be both a blessing or a curse and how that affects people, and as the tensions rise how they deal with it.

After seeing Sometimes a Great Notion, I’m wondering if this could be a workable theory:

Given that the final five lived on Erf but somehow set themselves up to be reborn in the colonies 2,000 years later, what if Daniel Graystone and maybe a few other people who lived on Caprica just before the Cylon attack set themselves up to be resurrected later on Erf/Earth during the new cycle?

Shouldn’t the FF or the set up for the FF be a part of this?