Doctor Who: New Who or Classic (old) Who

Which do people prefer?

I’ve heard lots of people liking New Who and turn round and say that they dislike or sometimes hate the Classic Who, with some not even watching it and just complaining that it had wobbly sets. I’m sure that’s not the case here.

But out of curious, I just wanted to see what you guys thought

I voted New Who only because I haven’t watched any of the classic Dr. Who yet. I’ll get around to it eventually.


Which companion is hottest? Tegan, Rose, or Donna? That’s how I went with both.

I can’t really say who’s the hottest, but Tegan is the coolest. I like both too.

Started on the Who at age 6.

Adric. Totally Adric. :slight_smile:

Speaking of which: Stupidest. Death. Ever.

It was a stupid death. But my fav companon was Romana the FIRST, not the Second one.

I love them both. My favorite “classic” Doctor is Baker. He’s “my Doctor”. But I really fell in love with the new Who and think that Tennant is just brilliant! Eccleston was also great and I wish he’d stuck around for another season. But a little birdy says we might see him again soon.

Favorite companion? Probably Captain Jack, Romana (both versions) and Sarah Jane (back in the classic, not the new). BTW, did you know the second Romana is the wife of Richard Dawkins? That gives her bonus points in my book.

Find Dispensary

I’m with ya, on Tom Baker. Any episode with Tom Baker is a step of the rest of the other olds series ones. But I do love the Eccleston ones, and love the Tennant ones even more than that.
I had a crush on Sarah Jane when I was a kid, and seeing her now, …still do.

Both of course…sigh

Both Romanas, Nyssa, Ace, Peri, Jo, and Rose.

I don’t really have a fav Doctor, as I didn’t start watching in any real order at the beginning- I was born in the year it got cancelled and started watching the Five Doctors (helped explain the Doctor Who mythos in one big run around),the Mind Robber and the Key to Time arc all at the same time on VHS.

By the way…what episode would you choose to introduce someone to the classic series?

I think it would either be the Five Doctor to quickly explain the very basic mythos of the show


The Key to Time arc- to show the fun and adventure of the classic series without having to explain lots of the baggage that goes with it.

At least for me that is.

I voted New Who only. I find the old Dr. Who to be a little too cheesy for my tastes. Even the 96 movie I didn’t like very well.

I began with Eccelston, but Tennant is really my Doctor.

I chose both though I do prefer New Doctor Who. But I said both because both types of shows had their moments and both styles were great in their own regards. Tom Baker was my first doctor, I’m going to hold onto that. The original Doctors were cheesy and silly but they were also funny! They had great plot lines even though the sets were cheap. They also didn’t feel as if they had to have the Doctor making out with every girl that showed up just to keep people interested! But the New Doctor Who is my generation and has everything young teenagers like: good explosions, awesome costumes, romance, drama, angst, etc. The characters also feel deeper in these newer episodes, especially since they have hour long episodes instead of half hour. Also David Tennant is my favorite doctor. I think he has been the one to best portray the Doctor in almost every light!

Just couldn’t avoid throwing in my two cents on this one. I have enjoyed both old and new Who and have been a “Whovian” since the 70’s. My all time favourite tele show is (no surprise) Battlestar Galactica; however its not really family friendly. BSG is for grownup time. DW is after dinner entertainment.

The New Who is a big (W)hoot. Lots of fun and fairly good special effects. Easy to jump into. The classics though are, admittedly, a bit more of a challenge to today’s audience. If you understand that the old Who was a product of its time, both in the approach to story telling and in the use (or misuse) of special effects, there are quite a few very enjoyable stories. Which are the best? It really depends on the audience. Kids seem to dislike anything in black and white and would prefer to avoid too much talky, talky. The stories are slower than what is expected in our frenetic times, but still quite good. There are a few groaners, however. Even with these caveats, they enjoyed and Unearthly Child – Hartnell’s first time in the TARDIS.

“My” doctor was Tom Baker and most of his stories are fun stuff. Robot shows his regeneration and initial silliness which the kids enjoyed but I couldn’t stand the horrid special effects in this one. I did enjoy the Arc of Infinity quite a bit as did the kids. City of Death was very good as well, but you might have to stop and explain things to younger kids. My young ones liked Pyramids of Mars, fairly simple horror. I enjoyed Talons of Weng Chiang (I loved Sherlock Homes) and Horror of Fang rock. Of course, one cannot miss the classic two Dalek stories from the Baker era. Not my favourites but generally considered quite good by others.

The other doctors have a few more clunkers but some wonderful stories. My son likes Pertwee whenever Unit is shooting the place up and nearly died of excitement when Unit starting shooting the place up in one of the recent New Whos. Both liked Davison to some extent and his last season is quite good. The kids also liked McCoy, though he has a few clunkers. (The kids liked Bonnie Langford – no accounting for taste)

As to getting some background on doctor who, you might want to check out babelcolour’s videos on Youtube. One is called a “fact file on the doctor” or something like that. It is cute and gives some background of the old series.

Welcome aboard, Cymbeline. That’s quite an entrance.

Baker will always be the Doctor to me, but I’ve been impressed with the new one. Especially Rose, who really turned up the role of companion a notch, IMHO.

I voted both as I see the new series more as a continuation of the classic series rather than as a separate entity as is the case with BSG.

The two-part episodes of the new series seem to be about the right length for an adventure. Some of the classic series did seems to drag a little in places with multi part episodes, but the new series one-off episodes are over too quickly.

I love David Tennant, he ranks as one of my favourite Doctors. His companions so far have been pretty good, I can’t say that they appeal to me as much as some of the classic companions.

Gotta say I’m happy with the current pairing, best so far, having a Doctor and Companion both older than me makes me feel less of an old git!

I like both the classic and the new but prefer the classic, because that’s what I grew up with.

Peri or Nyssa

okay you know what, I need to put my two cents in. I don’t consider “New Who” the be real “new who” its still the docot. When the show returns in 3006, you fo not say the ninth doctor is the first doctor, therefore it is a simple continuation. Therefore, 2005, to me is not season one, its seasn 30 lol

I so agree with you Emily…