Doctor Who from the beginning (2005 series)

After witnessing so many Doctor Who stuff from Julie and others I thot this could be a good time to jump into this franchise.
And Kim graciously decided to do the same.

Today we start with S01E01 “Rose” with Christopher Eccleston

Starting next Thursday, October 13th we’re gonna start a (semi-)weekly schedule to watch 2 episodes at 3:30 pm EST. Anyone wanting to join us is welcomed.

Yay! I’m locked and loaded. Say go…

starting at 22:35 GMT +1 :smiley:

Looks like Bill & Ted with Stargate. lol

The opening has me kinda dizzy

Ok so I’ve already seen the first three episodes, but that was 2 years ago. And I was sleepy. Don’t remember much

I also saw this episode a few years ago and remember nearly nothing.

That’s a crapload of pink clothes. Good god woman

Rose…I guess she will stay around for a while.

OMG!! It is a “Human Being” from “Community”!! :smiley:

That is some freaky shite!

Living plastic beings. They must be in LA! :smiley:

(just kidding Lady D :wink: )

I see you already adopted their slang. lol

Was this a sonic screwdriver he used to short-circuit the lock??

I’m guessing yes. Pretty handy. :slight_smile:

See what I did there?

Rose’s mom = ew

“That won’t last. He’s gay and she’s an alien.” HA!

What a crazy mum. Are there still left families on TV?? I mean with fathers!

Bloody Arm!!!

How nonchalantly he mentions what their Plan is to overtake and destroy humanity.

I dunno but predict that her boyfriend will get killed off my the end of this episode.

Weren’t we just talking about the world revolving? freaky

And how blasé her response was.

I’m guessing that it’d be a bad idea to contact Clive :eek: