Doctor Who Christmas Special Preview

My dear wife DoctorDonna showed me this on Facebook. Thought I would share it with my GWC friends.


The Ood freak me out. :frowning:

I can’t wait, I can’t wait, I can’t wait!!!

Grrr. This annoys me so much.

I know the ring’s the thing, but how?? I must know!

Oh I see Xmas day as a busy Downloading time for me. Yeah!!!:smiley:

Yeah me too. My wife has already said that I will download it the second it is out

Seeing how skiffy won’t be carrying the new series and that my cable system here refuses to get BBCA. I need to turn to COUGHalternativeCOUGH means.:smiley:

Awww bloody hell! My provider carries BBC America but it’s not in HD and it’s in a premium package I’d have to pay extra for. :mad:

Excited yet full of dread at the same time!!!

I probably won’t be able to watch it until I get back from the 'rents on the 27th. :frowning: I predict much weeping that day.

Flash Gordon 1980 ended the same way as that episode.


  1. Apparent death
  2. Spectral laughter
  3. Ring

Obviously, Ming the Merciless is The Master.

FLASH…dun dun dun…AAAHHHHHHH!!! He’ll save every one of us!!

Sorry, just everytime someone mentions that movie…it plays in my head. And often times when no one mentions it. It’s just there taunting me.

I can’t wait to see this, been trying to avoid any and all spoilers.