Doctor Who 6x11 The God Complex

Well Rory did find the Fire Exit. Lets see if he can find it again.

I assumed as much.

I’m not sure if BBCA is severely editing the episode, but it does seem to take y’all less time to reach the commercial break point than it does for me.

Just a guess, but I think it’s because he’s the only one who isn’t afraid of anything.

ETA: OK, I was close. :slight_smile:

Nice effects.

Yeah, I’m still mixed up about that.

Commercial break after the enter the tardis.

There’s one to bake the noodle.

The Doctor saved the day by convincing Amy he couldn’t save her.

Whoa. Reference to the Nimon! :eek:

That takes me back.

So did the Doctor open his door or Amy’s door the other time when he was by himself?

“…death would be a gift.”

Just like Buffy. :slight_smile:

Her door was 7. His was 11.

we’re back. Tardis fades in.

The answer seems obvious in retrospect. Of course she saw Amelia as a little girl forever waiting in vain. Amy’s biggest fear is abandonment. Abandoned by her parents, by the Doctor, et cetera.

“Why now?”
“Because you’re still… breathing.” :smiley:

My guess is the Doctor saw the Dream Lord, but what do I know?

Wow, I did not expect this. That is about the most responsible and mutual and least scarring companion farewell we’ve seen since New Who came back.

…but, but, but there are still more episodes left in the season, so Amy and Rory can’t be gone yet, right?

…but, but, but Craig is the companion in the next episode and Amy and Rory are no where to be seen?

Lodger back next week and Cybermen. This should be good.

I guess we’ll see.

Yeah, it kinda has to be, doesn’t it? The Doctor is afraid of his own capacity for evil, his dark side: Dream Lord, Time Lord Victorious, Valeyard, whatever you want to call it.

The bigger question of “What does the Doctor have faith in?” is intriguing though. What does the Doctor believe in? Himself? The Tardis? Chance? Science? The Natural Laws of Time?

Back to back episodes Fridays 11:30 pm ET and 12:30 AM ET Saturday. So, they conflict with Hangouts.

As in 11th doctor?

I wonder what he saw.