Doctor Who 6x10 The Girl Who Waited

Saturday, 10 September 2011
9 PM Eastern/Pacific
on BBC America


At first, I thought this what a quaint English pronunciation of Appalachia, like “aluminium” or “lie-zhur-ay”. :slight_smile:

Ugh! Why wouldn’t they know better than to enter at once???

I’ll need commercial break warnings, as usual. :slight_smile:

Because that would be too easy, of course!

This whole episode could have been easily avoided. d:

Come on, guys. Really? There were two buttons on that door and it was obviously not an elevator!

“It’s never simple!”

Someone should put up a sign

“Do not press the red button unless you really, really mean it!”

“The one-day plague? You get it for a day?”
“No, you get it, and then you die in a day.” :eek:

I’d imagine they’re culturally significant images that anyone from there would understand but would be completely obscure to anyone from the outside, like the biohazard symbol.

“Glasses are cool”

I [heart] Matt Smith!

“They didn’t see me.”


Really? Another episode where Amy’s in peril? And separated from Rory and the Doctor?

They couldn’t see you, but that doesn’t mean they can’t hear you Amy!!

This episode is hurting my brain. d:

“Do not be alarmed. This is a kindness.”

Another creepy quote from Who.

It can’t be Rory every episode. d:

In all fairness, when Rory’s in peril, he just dies. :slight_smile:

Apparently it does. :slight_smile:

This is true.

Point for Badger.

Commercials ended.