Doctor Who 6x04 The Doctor's Wife

Saturday, 14 May 2011
9 PM Eastern/Pacific
on BBC America

Written by Neil Gaiman

Oooh… Aaah…

Anyone has BBCA in HD? Which provider if yes? I have Comcast, but only BBCA in SD.

I don’t have BBCA here at all (thanks cablevision). The internet is a wonderful thing IYKWIM. :smiley:

Cosmic Cube! :eek:

Not the swimming pool!

I wouldn’t have gotten rid of the swimming pool, what if they have to catch river again?

“How can you leave the universe?”
“With enormous difficulty!” :smiley:

Did the Doctor just say that a time lord could regenerate into a different sex?

Oh, that could be interesting…

Amy’s intro is cute. Just need her to say “To boldly go” somewhere near the end. d:

The TARDIS can grow a new one if it has to.

That’s what I was thinking.

Seems so.

“Yes. No. If it helps, then yes. But no.” :smiley:

The tenth Doctor said it was possible he could have two heads or no heads. Changing genders shouldn’t be an issue.

“I love biting! It’s like kissing, only there’s a winner.” :smiley:

“Lots and lots of Timelords.” commercial

If Christina Hendricks bit me, I’d consider myself a winner…

Restart after commercial.

And when is that?

“He’ll be fine, he’s a time lord.”
“It’s just what they are called. It doesn’t mean he knows what he is doing.”

I’m back. Family called long distance. I miss much?

“I don’t know what to do.” :smiley: “That’s a new feeling.”