Doctor Who 6x02 Day of the Moon

You are right, Angels can’t hurt you when you see them, these can hurt you if you know they are there or not.

Does he even remember the time he spent plastic?

Spoilers! /River :stuck_out_tongue:

So three of us think of Mass Effect when we hear the music? No one said anything when I said so last week. ):

It may be a hint that (after the ME3 trailer) the Doctor will be saving the UK from Reapers next season. :wink:

On again…

I don’t know Mass Effect at all, so I wouldn’t recognize it even if I saw it.

“this place, it’s been closed for years.”

I don’t know ME either… although I’ve been meaning to play it for a while now.

“Hello? Who are you?”
“No, I think she’s just dreaming.”

OK, that was downright surreal. :eek:

Why is Amy marking her face? How can she keep count that way? How will she know she is keeping count

when she looks in the mirror or sees her reflection…

They were to busy taking in the awesome beauty that is Utah. :smiley:

Presumably, that’s only when she runs out of space elsewhere.

really best monster design ever !!:smiley:

“We have no need of weapons.”
“Yeah. Welcome to American. bang:smiley:

Break after “silence will fall.”

I thought the whole silence will fall arc was last season with the pandorica.

Proud to be an american :slight_smile:

my commercials included one about ordering Doctor Who toys. : )