Doctor Who 6x02 Day of the Moon

Saturday, 30 April 2011
9 PM Eastern/Pacific
on BBC America

On deck, starting now…

Um, wow?!?

I’m here too. Gah. What is going on!

River Song always has a dramatic exit.

I just don’t even know what to say!

ahaha. well that was tricky.

I hope that dress is wash and wear. :slight_smile:

“That’s your secret weapon?”
“No, no. It’s not Apollo 11. That would be silly. It’s Neil Armstrong’s foot.” :smiley:

Any one else having serious Mass Effect 2 flashbacks?

I’m here. Doctor looks scragglier than Conan with a beard.

This episode is huge nightmare fuel. :eek:

I hope we get to explore the tardis one of these days.

Why? The music?

What’s the point? It changes as needed.

Too much information coming in, trying to keep up, failing…

mass effect how?:confused:

This poor man has quite a memory. Or lack thereof. :rolleyes:

Yeah, same here. I think that’s on purpose though, it’ll make you watch it more than once : )

It’s something I’ve never seen and am curious to do so. Might make a good Dream Lord episode. :slight_smile: