Doctor Who 4.01

So in all the excitement over Galactica 4.1, has anyone had time watch the new Who yet?
Donna’s back, more “slapstick” than usual, but with an ending that seems like they said “what could be our ‘Starbuck in a Viper’ moment?”…

Can’t wait to talk to people that don’t “other means” it after they see it at the end of the month on Skiffy (right before BSG-check your local times :D)

I “other meansed” it and 4.02, so far.

“Partners in Crime” was a litle slapstick, but for a first episode, it was pretty good. I was just happy that I didn’t completely HATE Donna this time around. I didn’t find her anywhere near as annoying as I did in “The Ruaway Bride”. The only part of it that I found completely awkward, though, was the “Ijust want a mate” scene at the end. I mean I get it, they want to establish from the get-go that Donna isn’t Rose or Martha, but it just felt forced. Especially after the whole “I met a man once…but I let him fly away” speech. Eh, maybe I’m just being picky.

But, 4.02 “The Fires of Pompeii” totally redeemed Donna for me. Have you seen it yet?

I’m all caught up (I tend to “fly to England” and get them Saturday nights). I’m already feeling a little Ood about tonight’s episode.

And yesterday was David Tennant’s birthday.

It was a pretty good episode. This is why I love scifi in general. I can go from this pretty happy episode, to somthing dark and depressing like BSG.

It was very campy, but I am excited about Donna. She doesn’t seem to be as whiney as before, seems strong willed, and I really hope she doesn’t go headd voer heals for the doctor to the enten where we have “Oh the doctor doesn’t otice me” or “Oh, I wish I the doctor loved me”

I too “fly to the UK” every weekend. I’m caught up, including this weekend’s (“the Doctor’s Daughter”). I love the show and can’t get enough of it! But I’m very concerned about RTD leaving and what he’s allegedly going to do to wrap it up. Maybe we should start a separate spoilerish thread to discuss that.

As for Donna…eh. I don’t love her, I don’t hate her. I do totally hate the notion of her and the Doctor being an item. And they flirt with that idea. If one of the spoilerish things I’ve heard comes to pass, that won’t be a problem.

I understand how it can be romantic to fall in love with someone like the doctor, but that’s not a good idea for SOOOO many reasons. And we’ve been down that road with (in the new series) Rose and Martha (albeit unrequited there). Move on, new story lines please.

Best episode so far this season: the Doctor’s Daughter.

How do you feel about Torchwood? Overall, I like it.


Rose is still my favorite compainion ever. She even eclipsed Ace, which I didn’t think was possible.

Sarah Jane was my favorite companion right up until she got her own, awful show. Now she sucks.

hopefully rose willlcome back this season theykeep hinting at it and lol
i tend to “fly to england” also to get my episodes on sat