Dentist Chair Etiquette

So I was at the Dentist today getting a regular cleaning when I realized for the first time in my life I had no idea what I was supposed to do with my eyes. So I thought I’d put it to a GWC poll to see what real scifi geeks do when put in the tough spot.

I tend to keep mine closed and just relax. I open them and loo at the hygenist only if she is asking me questions. I just feel awkward if i’m staring at someone the whole time.

Looks like the “boobs” option got accidentally deleted, yes? :eek:
Report to one of the Forum Moderators, and they can correct the error.

Timing conversation for rare moments when her hands aren’t in my mouth gives me time to plot and plan each conversational tidbit to perfection, so that each line is a verbal amuse bouche.

It turns out that I do better off-the-cuff.

+1 for use of “amuse bouche.”

I treat it like a haircut. I close my eyes, fall asleep, and eventually I’m bleeding and wondering what the barb just happened.

Being a Barb I always know what just happened…I’m usually wondering why the frak it happened to me!

In the dentist chair I close my eyes to keep from being blinded by the overhead light.

P.S. Moved the thread to Off-Topic

Ah hell yeah, another +1 for the use of amuse bouche.

Had to vote TV, but I always pass on the wireless headphones - feel like if the hygienist and dentist say something pertinent, I should at least hear/overhear it.

My dentist also offers the dark over-the-glasses floridian shades. I could probably, um, look other places and not get caught…

Too obvious to have been an error.

But that is the correct answer.

anything but look in the eyes

I don’t know why…its just creepy

I don’t have a problem looking at my doctor when he’s grabbing my junk

but dentist/dental hygenist when they have their hands in your mouth…shivers

Word. I do NOT look my dentist/hygenist in the eye while they are at work in there. I mostly act stoned, to be honest. I just kind of zone out after the initial chit-chat.

Usually I focus on the ceiling but back when I was working late into the night, I would often sleep through the cleanings if they were early in the morning. My dentist never seemed to mind.

I picked “close eyes” but I don’t try to nap. I listen to podcasts.

What he said.

Replace ‘count number of eyebrow hairs’ with ‘count number of nose hairs’ and you got my vote.

Um…Solai? Aren’t you a moderator? I mean there is a line that says “Moderator” under your name, right?

~Shooter Out

Irony, meet Shooter. Shooter, Irony. :wink:

I haven’t been to the dentist in almost 20 years. So, it hasn’t been a problem.

Last time I was there this beautiful hygienist cleaned my teeth. As would happen I ran into the same dilemma Shooter had. I didn’t know where to look. She had beautiful eyes, face, hair, um…etc. As y’all know, I’m a bit of a cheeky frakker. As she leaned over and worked, I was staring at her from upside down. I was entranced by her beauty so I just continued to stare. I didn’t look away. She didn’t look away. Granted, she was working but there was a moment where fantasy started to work its mayhem.

Finally after a few minutes she said to me, “Why are you staring at me?”

Without skipping a beat I said, “Oh. I’m sorry. I wasn’t staring at you. I was watching you work.” I gestured at her reflective protective goggles. “I can see everything you’re doing. It’s very fascinating.”

She was already blushing. After I gave my explanation, she giggled and her mouth curled in a very erotic and…ahem. My heart raced but my disposition was cooler than a Vulcan during Kolinahr. She asked me politely to look somewhere else.

So, I stared at her boobs for the rest of the time.

Thank you for all the responses so far!

Okay, it seems that “boobs” seem to be a big focus for most of the guys so I feel the need to explain why I didn’t put “boobs” in the poll.

  1. Most dental hygienist smocks I’ve seen recently don’t give that option

  2. I figured this was a pertinent question for people of all sexual orientations and figured that a large percentage of people wouldn’t consider that a pleasant option.

  3. There are some male hygienists

  4. I was trying to keep this poll ‘family friendly.’ I recognize my mistake in that now since I did post this in the GWC forum you horney frakkers. :smiley:

Keep the responses and votes coming!

~Shooter Out

Horney frakkers are a given but I prefer naughty frakkers.

That is a powerful story, talos. One that must be shared over the generations.