The greatest game show sensation ever, “Who’s Pig Is This?”
Robbie Burns’ “gang aft agley”, theory of relativity, Astérix le Gaulois, and Jürgen Brockner as an Orange pip in Das Boot. These things will never be mentioned in the same performances together again, ever.
all that and fabulous fashion sense
Great suggestion, as usual. So what’s on deck for next Izzard Wednesday?
Dress To kill. And Then Circle the week after that!
And awesome staircase/throne transportation.
aren’t you the resident expert? or is it DBT?
So, what did we learn from this frak party tonight?
[li] Oranges can f**k off.
[/li][li] If you get nicked impersonating Bishop of Durham, you can get charged with “Streching a Pedestrian”.
[/li][li] When I start a country band, it’ll be called “Guns ‘n’ Banjoes”
[/li][li] Always treat your neighbors like someone who lives next to you.
[/li][li] When I buy a cat, I’ll name her “Mrs Badcrumble”.
[/li][li] Never put a sock in a toaster.
Spoon, me… really all of us are big fans. It seems Keir is quite into it as well. We the Izzardheads are growing in numbers!
it occurs to me that I have a regular Wed. appointment that makes it tough for me to make 10 et/ 7 pt. would you kick me out of the frakatorium if I asked for a start time of 11 et/ 8 pt?
Alright then. I’ll add them in ASAP. Let me know when (and if) this one is going to get refrakked.
Sorry all, I’d love to hang for a while, but I need to get up early, and I’m already exhausted. I bid you all a good night.
I’m fine with that… anyone else okay with it?
Also, after the 3, we should do Unrepeatable as the 4th one, if nothing else for the the Star Trek phaser routine at the end. I think you will enjoy it very much.
night Mr BadgerSpoon. Thanks again for your patience
Good night, RMHPH!
night DBT!! thanks for the frakkinizzard suggestion
No problem! Good night!
Aaaaaaand at 7:30 in the morning, after feeding the boy, the cats, and making sure that the world is in order for yet one more day, Keir rolls in and assesses the GWC debris…
Wool puffs in the corner. Orange pips scattered across the floor. The Queen’s tiara resting halfway up a rolling staircase to a throne that smells of a combination of leather and Giorgio Armani cologne. A can of dog food with an olive branch jutting from it, and for reasons unknown, Pavlov wandering about with a bell around his neck, furiously eating fresh fruit and veg while mice secretly consult a flipchart in the distance.
…what the hell did I miss?
(Sorry for being afk on this one, y’all, had to play Florence…er…Franklin Nightingale last night. Rain check!)
Sorry I wasn’t able to make it last night…rough night with the daughter. She kept on waking up because of this head cold she can’t shake.
Aw, poor lil’ Solai. Hope she feels better.
Apologies to you other Izzard Frakkers last evening !! I had an internet issue that bonked me offline right in the middle of things. Didn’t want you to think I was being rude…:mad:
Izzard Rules.