DC Warner Bros... restructering

Not sure if they just wanted to pull attention from the Disney/Marvell/Antichrist deal

here’s a link http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/Comicmoviestuff/news/?a=9923

but they seem to be restructuring there business; but who knows maybe this will mean WB might start to do good comic book movies that don’t being with Batman… or are written by Allen Moore.

heres hoping I need me a Trully great superman movie sooner rather than later,

WB/DC just want to pretend like they are remaining competitive. Marvel has had a number of titles do exceptionally well at the box office recently and DC has been lagging behind. Lets see how many decent titles we actually get out of the WB camp in the next 3-5yrs.

Well it certainly paves the way for the upcoming Green Lantern movie.

I’m guessing its a means to compete with the Disney-Marvel juggernaut (I’m the Juggernaut, bitch!) :stuck_out_tongue: