David Eick official Caprica podcast

I tried that, and nothing.

I just tried it again, and NOW it shows up! WTF?!

I know I’m not crazy, cause others have complained about it.


this podcast is very different from RMD’s BSG cast. Their director v.s. writer background difference really shows in these pocasts. RMD focused on how the story evolved during writing process, while David Eick spends a lot of time talking about technical and logistic aspect of the show.

i hope a MRS Dave will be a regular part of the show :smiley:

Yeah… I’ve been pretty open-minded about the David Eick podcasts, but so far I’m just not enjoying them very much. I even get the feeling that he’s not all that interested in doing them at all. They don’t even bother to TRY to mic the things even remotely well, and what they’re saying about the episodes isn’t really enhancing the experience.

I’ll go another 2-3 weeks, though, see if they get any better.

according to Serge (official Serge Graystone Twitter account advertised during the show) Both he and the dog (Ceaser) know the truth ::

“Zoe used to put hats on me. Zoe is trapped in the robot. Daniel cannot know. The dog knows. RT @Toastmold You would look good in a hat.”

“Caesar is fine. But he knows. He wants the CYLON to throw the ball. RT @panache is that dog still around? Haven’t seen him in a while”.

That’s how I found it after first finding it on the SyFy webpage.

I’m gonna start listening soon. I hope he’s got a fine liquor with him. I never longed for a cigarette more (I quit 3 years ago) than when I heard RDM’s ice clinking in the glass and him drawing on a cigarette and blowing out the smoke.

I did love the ritual of Ron Moore sayin’ “The scotch tonite is…and the smokes are …”.
But sadly, Ron Moore hasn’t been on the David Eick podcast at all, though he gets mentioned a lot.

David Eick does always have one but usually two guests, so it’s always a different and an interesting podcast. But, Ron Moore could be interesting all on his own and I miss that.

On the most recent podcast Bear McCreary was one the guests and it was SO fanscinating hearing him talk about how he concieves the music for each episode.

I’m thinking that Ron will do his own set of podcasts later on since his tracking of the show somewhat better. There’s no reason a DVD or Blu-Ray can’t have multiple commentaries.

The podcast for the latest episode came out late. Just last night.
And it was just David Eick by himself, but he was just fine and totally interestsing.

Eick describes why this episode “The Imperfections of Memory” is a key turning point for the show. It is this episode where they made the decision to change the whole tone and the direction of the show. So previous to this the plan was for a kind soap-opera-y, kinda soft (in comparison to BSG) show. But at this point in the show they were feeling that it was a show that “wasn’t using all of its muscles to full potential”.
So now and hence forth the show is going to be more “high stakes” and more … damn there was another word he used but I’m blanking on it… “more about something?” …I forget.
…Anyway, it’s an interesting podcast and revealing about what the show now intends to be.

Podcast for ep 108 looks like it’s out but it’s not.

They’ve got a link on the Caprica website for it, but it ain’t there. Same with iTunes–looks like it’s there but it’s not :frowning:
Hard to wait, cuz “Ghost in the Machine” was an intense episode and I want to hear the story behind the story.


EDIT: Okay you can ignore all the above. It’s up there now.

Yup, the Caprica podcast is back baby.

David’s guest is Eric Stolz who directed the episode (Vanquished).

Be cool like me and listen to it as it was intended–in synch with watching the episode–prefrebly with an RDM-style scotch in hand.

AUGH I love these podcasts. I was Not Cool and listened to it on the way to work this morning, with a vanilla coke instead of scotch. It was still really awesome.

Also now I feel bad for not caring about Daniel Graystone because Eric Stolz is great.

Grrrrr…no podcast for last week’s episode or this week’s yet. :frowning:

So, anyone know what happened to the podcast? The page here doesn’t have any info. Some of the October episodes had a cast, but they just stopped with no explanation.

Sadly, my guess is that the show has been cancelled and there isn’t a production staff to upload them anymore. You may have to wait for the DVDs for the commentary.

Do you realize that you posted the above right before they announced the cancellation?

Are you from the future? Are there flying cars there?