Darth Vader Chewing Gum

Come to the dark side, we have minty fresh chewing gum!

Darth Vader Mint Chewing Gum in Japan. Why not? Get some gum by opening Darth Vader’s helmut to get to the shiny black chiclets of minty gum out.

Cost is 760 Yen available at the local Lawson combini convenience stores.

If you want to see Darth Vader, he lives in Tokyo and you can catch him at a train station.


We’re on a roll with news from Japan…

using the force to ride the train is awesome…

Aww… I was hoping for a thread where we get to see Darth Vader stuffing gum into his face plate.

I find your lack of chewing disturbing… :smiley:

darth vader is very tiny

Yeah, that looks more like Dark Helmet from Spaceballs.


Darth was touring Tokyo and had a run in with the police… Comedy ensued!:smiley:


Despite the fact that the black gum doesn’t look very tasty, I’d still hit that.

BTW, Omra, I just might steal your sig idea and put a Gundam gif down there. Just saying. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just don’t have them kissing… OK??:smiley:

Movie voice: Coming this fall from Sunrise… Airing on NHK… First comes love… Then, comes marriage… Mobile Suit Gundam K…

screaming, laser sword fights, and explosions occur in the background, ending with two emo, angst-ridden teen boys looking longingly at each other


try this for your signature:

Ah internets, you never fail me.

My God, what have we started… :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d also like to point out, as this is the first post I’ve mad since changing my avatar, that my avatar/sig combo works brilliantly. Honest to God, it was not anticipated at all.