D2A : Two men are marooned on a...

In listening to podcast 72 I recalled one of my all time favorite movies that I truly haven’t thought about in years: Enemy Mine. I was about to bring the smack down for you guys not knowing citing it during your discussion as it was the first to use the "two men ar marooned on a … " plot when I discovered something really funny:

Hell in the Pacific - movie, 1968 World War II film
Two men, one American and one Japanese, are marooned on an uninhabited Pacific island. In order to survive they must accept their differences and work together, despite their two countries being at war.

“Enemy Mine” - novella, 1979
Two men, one human and one alien, are marooned on an uninhabited planet in book form. In order to survive they must accept their differences and work together, despite their two species being at war.

“Enemy mine” - movie, 1985
Two men, one human and one alien, are marooned on an uninhabited planet in movie form. In order to survive they must accept their differences and work together, despite their two species being at war.

“The Enemy” - television, 1989
Geordi gets stuck on a planet with a Romulan. They are forced to work together to survive.

“Enemy Mine” - Stargate, 2003
Two men, one human and one Una, are marooned on an uninhabited planet. In order to survive they must accept their differences and work together, despite their two species being at war.

In all seriousness, “Enemy mine”, the movie is D2A material. Well written, not well known…in definite need of some props if Chuck can spare any.

Enemy Mine is one of my top favorite movies of all time. Its a great exploration of the whole “we are more alike than different” thing.

There was another varient of this movie which had a U.S. Marine squad crash land on an Island that had a very small Japanese garrison. In order to survive they must accept their differences and work together, despite their two countries being at war.

Then at the end of the movie, there is a big gun battle and the Japanese troops are wiped out by the Marines. It breaks the story mold by having a one side kill the other when rescue is possible. Sorry I can’t remember the name of the movie.

I loved ‘Enemy Mine’. The banter between Quaid and Gossett, Jr. always reminded me of Robinson Crusoe on Mars.

When Davidge goes back for Zammis, gets me every time. It has an 80s ending similar to ‘The Last Starfighter’.

It’s a must watch for the GWC crew.

Am I the only person not to love this flick?

Oh well, I own it, so it’s an easy rewatch.

Wait, wait, wait…you are not getting off that easy. You own it but don’t like it? How did that happen?

I’ll be right there if they decide to do a D2A watch ! I remember this one fondly, albeit it was a tad bit cheese-filled if I do say so…just watching Louis Gossett Jr in alien makeup for an hour and a half is worth the cost of admission !! But it’s another one of those movies with it’s heart in the right place, which is worth a lot.

Whenever I watch Officer and a Gentleman I always picture Gossett as a pregnant lizard.:wink:

Great Lizard Bloat!!

I can totally see that. Richard Gere crying in the rain, “I got no where else to go!!” Pan to Prego Jerry with patented sucking teeth.

Lolololol !

Video store out-of-business sale. :smiley:

No, it’s not one of my favs either. I had a hard time sitting through this one.