Cylon Apartment

To help combat the sheer boredom of no battlestar galactica for a while I’ve started my own “Series” over on my flickr page.

I’m calling it “Cylon Apartment”. The story of a previously unseen cylon who never did the dishes or bought toilet paper, so his fellows boxed his entire line into a tiny apartment.

Feel free to look through, and i’m open to any feedback, or suggestions for future “episodes”

LOL…you’r momma jokes…LOL
Man that’s funny…Nice work…

Loved it! Keep the episodes coming! Lord knows we need SOMETHING to do while we wait for BSG to return. Better this than, you know, spending time with our families. shudder

LMAO…I just snorted pop through my nose.

Wow, the look on Mischievous Cylon’s face is priceless as he flushes the toilet on his showering pal.

Oh no! Tim has found his way onto the boards!!! Hide your children, eat all of your cookies, run for your lives!!! Oh… and yeah, keep those dang cylon apt. sodes coming

you know it.

episode six is up.

(nice tattoos!)


I was bored tonight and had free time, so episode seven is up. It covers a subject familiar to bsg. food shortage!

So THAT’s what the Final One looks like??

lets say for the sake of the story that this is the mysterious model 7 that we never heard from.

until BSG the show says otherwise.