Creepiest Episode or demons from Buffy.

as i said before, to me Hush was the creepiest. The Gentlmen came and took the towns voices and took out 7 peoples heart.

The Gentleman

abso-frakkin-lootely the creepiest gouls on Buffy!

brrrrrr!!! :eek:

Sorry, You are not going to get any argument from me on this one.
I would put Angelus as a good but distant second.

The Gentlemen are the by far the scariest. But so was Dark Willow.
Remember Warren? “Bored now”

Darth Rosenberg was frakkin’ ossim! :smiley:

Yeah, the gentlemen from Hush top my list as scariest. And yes, wow, that Dark Willow arc was pretty cool. The Warren scene shocked the craaap out of me. You really knew that you weren’t dealing with ‘our’ Will at all anymore, on any level !!

ya she was freaky. i hated seeing Willow like that. but when she ripped his skin off i swear to God i almost screamed. lol. hey i was little.

me too, and I loved that her fall had implications beyond the S6 finale. it wasn’t just a matter of Xander saves Wil and it’s all good again. so cool that joss does this. one of my favorite moments in the series is in “Selfless”(?) when Xander’s trying to talk Buffy out of killing Anya, and Buffy reminds him she’d had to kill Angel. then Xander’s lie of omission finally comes out–after 5 years–and Wil gets the chance to deny the “kick his ass” X attributed to her so long ago. you don’t get that kind of payoff in ordinary tv

I watched that episode with the Gentlemen at like 7 am before school one day and it still creaped me out

I almost screamed and I was not little! lol

Badassity Willow - yep, definitely a fave.

The first time I saw what Angel had become as Angelus I was a little freaked as well. Trying to think of some others; I know there are plenty over the run of this show…

The demon vampires from the final season…the really tough, ugly ones that kicked poor Buff’s rear end, once really badly…they creeped me out too! I believe they were supposed to be a purer line, like vampires of long, long ago…they were bad*ss (sorry Barb). And Buffy, initially, couldn’t stand against them, which was like, oh boy, she’s met her match and now what ?!

On a different note, how damn funny was Giles when Ethan turned him into a demon !? A big, clutzy demon. Driving a compact car, no less! Frakkin priceless.

LD, you’re right…the continuity of the series through the years was super, you don’t see that kind of attention to detail very often…makes it really fun to be fan !

Can’t argue with the Gentlemen or Darth Rosenberg (none of you have got the midichlorians to stop her!), The First was just diabolical. Conversations with Dead People was a super awesome ep. Pretending to be someone’s dead loved one trying to manipulate them into doing you bidding is just UBER EVIL!

Buffy rape was scary. And sexy. The best kind of scary!

gentlemen the scariest for sure, but special mention to Gachnar i mean he’s a fear demon. just a tiny one

They look like a certain other character - less hair - don’t they? Just by happenstance?

Dick Cheney?

LOL. Excellent.

here’s someone else who agrees with you, Ace

… the scariest demon for me was the one who ate strips of live flesh off Willow I think… that was gross… reminded me of creepers jeepers a bit, especially the way it licked its lips

booya a website agrees with me!! :smiley: