Could a lightsaber cut through Adamantium?

Ok these guys could cut thru Adamanatium with cuteness alone.

Here is how wolvie dies!

Wolvie can be burned ( as long as all flesh is gone, he’s dead)

He can be drowned, eventualy ( marvel has stated many times in the past, no air… no regeneration)

If decapitated… he doesn’t grow a new body and organs ( or a second wolvie!). [ been stated several times]

a minor jedi lifts wolverine in the air with his simple telekinisis skill. then just hold him in place while he simply cuts him to pieces with a telekineticaly controled lightsaber. End of wolverine!


He just uses telekinetic power to hold him under water until he passes out good… and cuts him up. either way… wolvie is a dead man. And this is asumeing that it’s a bad wolvie going after a Jedi.

If it were a Sith? There are a plethora of powers that wouuld make the hairy midget go down. ( and I am a bigger Wolvie fan than Star Wars).

Even though I’ve been very vocal about a lightsaber being able to cut adamantium, it’s totally obvious that Wolverine could take out pretty much any Jedi. Except maybe Yoda. Then it’d be a tie.

The operating logic here is the “Which is cooler?” paradigm.

Considering that Jedi can manipulate objects, including people, I don’t see how any kind of decent Jedi couldn’t just slam Wolverine against pointy things until he finally gave up the ghost.

Wolverine COULD POSSIBLY defeat:
Darth Vader (powerful attacks, although slow since he uses a strong style)
Darth Malak (was very overrated in terms of strength and power)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (as far as battle abbility, average)
Qui-Gon Jinn (seeing as he is a jedi consular…)
Mace Windu (same reason as Vader)

Wolverine COULD NOT defeat:
Darth Maul (just as fast as Wolvie, with devestating offensive capability)
Yoda (small and fast, hard for Wolvie to hit. makes sense, no?)
Darth Nihilus (Darth Nihilus is just insane…in terms of everything)

I need to reach my class now so ill probably update this later.

At the risk of sounding like I’m arguing, respectfully submitted:

You say Wolvernine could possibly defeat Obi-Wan, but not Darth Maul. BUT Obi-Wan defeated Darth Maul.

Maybe we should start another thread to determine whom Wolvernine could defeat if he had a lightsaber.

That way lies MADNESS!

If only he had a wheelbarrow that would be something!

I don’t often see Jedi’s walking around with torches or flame throwers.

I would give you a win if he were drowned or spaced, but to keep him in one place long enough would be harder than cutting Adamantium.

His skeleton is covered in Adimantium also. Decapitation not possible.

Telekinisis is hardly a simple thing for Jedi’s. Even major Jedi’s have trouble calling there light saber to them in the heat of battle. If they were able to use Telekinisis so skillfully, why haven’t we scene it before?


Again, the focus it would take to do anything you are talking about with Telekinisis would be complete. They would be completely defenseless so if they lost focus at all it would be the end of them.


Let’s not forget that Wolverine would smell a Jedi coming long before a Jedi could sense him. :wink:

P.S. The only thing Baltar can cut is da Cheese!

Piece of cake: Summon Bigger Fish


It’s a sixth level spell.

Is Adamantium conductive? If so a few jolts from force lightning should be able to cook Wolvie from the inside out.

I say that any jedi ( willing to do so) could force choke his lungs from the inside out and drop Wolvie.

No air or blood flow… he’s done.

A jedi with enough skill could do to him what magneto did - use telekinesis to remove his flesh from the adamantium. His organs aren’t protected by the skeleton. He can walk of fight with no abdominal organs or a connected nervous system! ( all could be force choked as well… see grevious!

He could be paralysed in place with force lighting, force storm ( up to 100 yards away in an area effect!) or telekinetic powers.

He gould have the flesh ripped from his skeleton with telekinesis or flayed with a lightsaber, or force storms.

There is a force stun a power that wolverines atributes don’t protect him from. He would just knock out! A swell as simply Cutting him with the lightasaber while subdued.( assumeing you believe that he can be cut).

Many Jedi could just simply beat his ass…given superhuman levels of quickness, jumping, dark side agressiveness ( remeber wolverine only has maximum human levels of strength, agility, acrobatics and dexterity)

additionalforce powers that mess wolvie up

Force scream : sonic damage ( wolvie has no defense. knock him out)
Force whirlwind: pick him up and bounce him till he passes out
slow ; telekinetic power that makes the target move as if they were carrying 2000 pounds ( easier than telikinetic hold in place and alows the jedi to perform other force powers with no penalty)

force wound: causes spasims in the lungs of the target immediatly injurying/killing them.

I left out the mental powers cause a good argument could be made that his berserker rage or force of will could beat it. But another argument could be made that mastermind was able to fool Wolvie almost every time… so the force trick, dominate mind, and soul destruction powers could be just as useful!

I think an error is being made when we take about what could and couldn’t happen. We should discuss what would and wouldn’t happen. It all depends on the scenario. Chances are they wouldn’t know anything about each others strengths and weaknesses at least not enough that either side would have an advantage. A Jedi would never last long enough to try every possible style of attack that could defeat Wolverine.
A SHLICKITY here and a SHLING there and that Jedi would be nothing more than a Force ghost.

sching vs vwaa?
vwaa all the way