What series is this bike and babe from?
This one should be obvious…
Hmmmmmmmmmm, RPGer’s should like this one…
What series is this bike and babe from?
This one should be obvious…
Hmmmmmmmmmm, RPGer’s should like this one…
That’s uh…crap I forget her name from Xenosaga. Kes-mes or something? Looked it up it’s KOS-MOS
Second is Samus from Metroid
Third is a Sister of Battle from WH40k
Bite your tongue.
Where were those girl when I was single!!!
I recognized the Xenosaga one, but not the other two.
If it’s anime, I should be able to recognize folks. Games, not so much.
Bend to my will!!
Nice boots…
This one is full of video game goodness-
Dont they look so happy and colorful?