Cosmos 1x06 Travellers' Tales

farrah-hair alert! *drink

Hard to believe the discoveries they made with the limited technology, comparatively speaking, that they had available.

yeah. up close, those gas giants are just beautiful.

That was some mighty feathering. :stuck_out_tongue:

i know sagan hates astrology, but man, my planet, Saturn, is sooo pretty. :slight_smile:

Apparently Jupiter’s coloration has gotten more dull recently. I’m not sure if anyone’s come up with a good reason why. It’s hard not to think about 2010. :eek:

i never seen it, but does jupiter suffer an unpleasant end? *sniff

see you at ‘backbone?’

You’ll get no spoilers from me. It’s worth a watch. :slight_smile:

Yep. Let’s start at :20.

see you there!

It’s V’ger!!


This is amazing. That we sent Voyager 1 and 2 and got pictures. Amazing!


phew Not Harbingers of Death.

New plants, New people, new stuff to exploit…ahem

Wow! Holland was a pretty happening place. Now it’s just known for it’s partying.

“Challenge ideas accepted for thousands of years might be fundamentally in error.”

I can’t stop thinking that the promotion of Holland isn’t Sagan’s way of promoting the legalization of marijuana. Not sure his stance on prostitution.

I’m full of it, I know.

A gov’t ruled by the people?

It’ll never work.

“Holland prospered in its freedom of thot.”

while they smoke them huge pipes. What’s in there? hmmm.

Glad those wigs went outta style. Frakkin outrageous.