Cool stuff you like vs. the crap other people are into?

What’s better: the cool stuff you like or the crap other people are into (not the good stuff they like; the crap)?

Moderators, could you please make poll option #2 say “not the good stuff they like” instead of “NO the good stuff”?




I hereby extend the double-OG secret handshake to you in thanks.

I don’t understand this poll at all.
Sit me down, like I’m a 5 year old, and 'splain please.

[spoiler]What’s better: cool stuff or crap? The joke being that everyone thinks what they’re into is cool – not like that other bullcraaap those other suckers are into.[/spoiler]

Ooo…Don’t ya just love guys like me that come ago and spoil the joke? :o

A had a thot yesterday looking at the Thread: FSL V2 Team Brackets

It’s fascinating to examine that, because, there isn’t anyone one of us who’s familiar with all those characters----We all share knowledge of a lot of them, there’s some we know in depth and others we never heard of.

It’s like a snap shot of the Hive Mind in action.

Eventually crap that other people like can become cool stuff you like. So… yes.

I know what you mean. My team for example, I’m sure everyone has heard of Ghost in the Shell, but I dunno how many have seen it. Double or triple for the rest of the team.

But, the bracket as a whole makes me wonder what cool stuff I’m missing out on though.

Umm… Your link is wrong. You want:

Edit edit:
I just tried Googling “21 Jedi butterfly wings” to find that character but didn’t come up with anything. Could someone throw a wikipedia, etc., link my way please?

21 is a henchman for The Monarch on Venture Bros. Here is an article on him :slight_smile:

Dammit. The one guy I can’t do a decent impression of, and HIM they keep…

Gah! I remember the discussion of the Venture Brothers during the meetup podcast. I was one of the people giving a blank/uncertain look.

Thanks for the link.