Cool Book Tool: Literature Map

So I was reading an unrelated discussion and this site came up. How it works, you type in the name of an author you like, and you get a cloud of other author names that you may like based on the name of the author you put in. So if I put in Marion Zimmer Bradley, for example, some of the authors that come up are Tamora Pierce, Melanie Rawn, Robin McKinley, Jennifer Robeson, Jacqueline Carey Andre Norton, etc.

What do you guys think of it? I’m fascinated by the way the program relates different authors :slight_smile:

A good way to discover other authors whose works or writing styles are similar to a writer you like. Unfortunately clicking on a name does not bring up any information on them, and if you try and highlight a name to copy it into google to do a search a dozen other names get highlighted at the same time.

I wish it was more like Pandora, where you can sample or research an author on the site. But it is a great start! Thank you for the Site Casilda.:slight_smile:

It may be interesting to compare this to an early attempt to do something similar.

We’ve come a long way, baby.

Ironically that is almost what I was expecting to see when I clicked her link. :wink:

I was expecting to see a tree of sorts, an authors name; and then branches sprouting off from it. Showing writers who were either inspired by the original author or whose works are similar in theme or style.