Continuum Episode 2.10 Second Wave **** SPOILERS ****

Episode Summary from

Kiera is lured into an ambush and taken hostage by fanatical followers of Julian, thirsting for payback after her torture of him. Alec activates the dormant military chip in Travis’ brain, in the hope of recapturing him. But the hunter soon becomes the hunted.

Please use this thread to discuss the series’ twentieth overall and second season tenth episode Second Wave. Rule: Please keep spoilers limited to those revealed during the series up to this episode only.

Is Lucas going insane? Last week he was talking to Kagame out of thin air in front of Julian and now he is seeing and talking to Curtis Chen. Based on the 2077 scenes with Travis and Curtis at the beginning and end of the episode there may be a reason that Curtis is still around and Lucas is seeing him. Travis said he’ll either know it or he won’t. Could he be caught in the time stream? Was his consciousness downloaded into Lucas somehow? Is it something to do with Curtis’ CMR? Did Curtis have a CMR? Is he being projected to Lucas by the body snatchers like Warren and Miller and Fisker (freelancers)? Curtis has the tattoos in between is hands and so the futuristic option is definitely a strong possibility. This is a delicious new plot point and expertly weaved into the story. Kudos.

And talking about CMRs what about Elena’s CMR? Is Alec still attempting to locate her CMR? If not he sure as heck should be now that Garza is kidnapped. Kiera mentions trying to find Travis but it’s Garza she should be attempting to find.

Speaking about finding someone Travis is now a man with a mission to find Kiera. It’s hard to tell right now for sure but it seems like Travis wants to kill Kiera - BADLY. I certainly would want to be on the other end of a Travis man hunt.

Kiera is finally worried about Gardiner. Really? It took her a while. I suspect we’ll find Gardiner where Elena and Garza are. And what about Fisker? I mentioned him before but we haven’t seen him in a couple of episodes now. And just how deep does the freelancer organization run?

And Arc is now fully operational. The options for how Alec uses it are limitless. The asymmetrical internet warfare that Alec could use to track and wage war against his enemies almost bring him up to the level of Fisker, Warren and Miller.

Kiera and Alec plow into some interesting conversation. The “Body Snatchers” Warren and Miller and their associate Fisker (the Freelancers) could quite possibly be from beyond 2077. If that is the case are they attempting to solidify THEIR future and ensure that Alec does what he needs to do in order to create their future? Perhaps that is Kiera’s purpose – to figure out their plots and protect Alec against it so he doesn’t make the same mistakes as history is re-written.

Betty’s link to Liber8 is not exploited in this episode despite Garza being held in their facility. I find that a little hard to believe but understand that she wouldn’t want to blow her cover.

Escher revealing himself while still keeping his own agenda was interesting. I’m not sure he is a shrewder operator than Kellog but he may be. He also seems to have more strategically placed assets than Kellog. Escher just could have been in the 2000’s for longer than Kellog giving him time to be better organized. But at least he is straight forward with Emily. “I am ALWAYS doing SOMETHING.”

So Emily gives Alec a new phone to replace his old one – one which is obviously bugged by Escher. But does Julian still have Alec’s old phone? Would it still work? My guess is that Julian ditched the phone as soon as Alec noticed it was missing and started digging around to find it.
And it is also clear that Emily is doing this protection/surveillance of Alec against her will. It is also clear that she has feelings for Alec. She so wanted to tell Alec exactly what she was doing at the dinner but Escher intervened before she could – locking her into continuing on just to be with him. It definitely was a smart play by Escher, and one that he was honest with Emily about.

We haven’t seen Jason in a couple of episodes either. What about the DNA test that Emily was helping Alec set up? Would the results even be trustworthy now that we know for sure Emily is working for Escher?

Kellog spying on Escher/Emily and allying with Sonya/Lucas against Escher? Fascinating plot point although very understated in the episode. If anyone could weave those strings together it’s Kellog. I’ll be watching this plot point in the final three episodes of the season.

CMRs can talk to each other? Could be useful in both finding Travis AND working with him. Even if there are military and police differences. And the tech that Kiera recovers from Warren/Miller? The fact that is can completely and instantly disable Kiera’s suit is frightening. I’m not sure which was worse, the camouflage removal or the loss of contact with Alec. We need to learn more about that tech to discover it’s possibilities.

Theseus letting Kiera go - it is in line with his future persona. He is starting to get VERY interested in his future. And he is also very adept working both a crowd and a small gathering in tight spaces. But he could have been a little bit more discrete about it, telling all of his followers that Kiera was one of his father’s killers. It was an interesting manipulation tactics to call attention to it and then manipulate events to let her go free.

Garza is the key to determining why Kiera is there – her purpose - possibly. And now finding Garza is the key to finding her purpose.

And NEVER order Garza to open up a door and stand right in front of the door. There will be a very large hole where your chest used to be. Also, if you ever detain her you need to strip search her. I mean did she allow herself to get captured or did she just happen to have a handcuff pick stuffed in her bra?