Continuum Episode 1.06 Time's Up

Episode Summary from

Kagame pursues step one of his new agenda - win the intellectuals and the grass roots dissenters. The Liber8 freedom fighters actively support and encourage violent protests, using present-day anarchists to riot outside the company headquarters of a major corporation; Exotrol. During the protest, the CEO of Exotrol, Henrietta Sherman, is kidnapped by Liber8. Kiera suspects Liber8 was behind the violence at the protest, to provide cover for the kidnapping. A video of Sherman is soon on the Internet and her kidnappers demands, for $20 million in cash, is revealed. Kagame decides to put the decision to kill or free her to an Internet vote - confirming to Kiera that Liber8 have changed their tactics and are trying to get the public on their side by getting them to vote whether she lives or dies and to expose the truth. Kiera and Carlos race a literal ticking clock in order to save Sherman from the public’s wrath. It later turns out that someone inside Exotrol may be working with Liber8. While Kiera is away, Kellog breaks into her apartment and steals the piece of the time travel device. Alec faces his own dilemma when he realizes that his step-brother, Julian, is one of the violent protesters.

Please use this thread to discuss the series’ sixth episode Time’s Up. Rule: Please keep spoilers limited to those revealed during the series up to this episode only.

So not for the first time we see that Protector Kiera Cameron and the members of Liber8 have similar agendas, but vastly different ways to go about achieving success. Where Liber8 depends on violence and destruction, Kiera supports the people she is sworn to protect. But BOTH seem to have goals that interweave. A couple of episodes ago in Matter Of Time Kiera allows Melissa Dobeck/Laroche go despite the fact that she committed murder because she is important to electricity production and distribution in the future. In the series second episode Fast Times Kiera works with the Liber8 gang to try to get back home to 2077. And she is constantly working with Matthew Kellogg.

This time it is clear that Kiera despises the exact same thing the Liber8 terrorists are fighting for. The “flashbacks” to the 2077 Piron corporation riot over undistributed food packs are stunning as Kiera asks fellow Protector Elena if they don’t questions it who would? (As a side note, is Elena the other female Protector that was close to the Time Travel event that we might see later?). And the last “flashback” to 2077 at the end with Greg telling Kiera that she sounds just like the Liber8 terrorists just gopes right out and spells it out for you if you didn’t catch onto it the entire episode.

In this episode we see for the first time that Julian is actually going out to do something. Probably in no small part due to Alec’s own comment to him about having to leave the living room to effect real change in last week’s episode A Test Of Time. But Julian is going about it the wrong way and gets caught up in the violence of the movement much to the disappointment of his father, Roland.

Kiera uses her truth serum once again. I wonder how many “shots” of each use she has available to her in her Protector multi-tool. At some point in time she’ll probably run out of something.

I’m not sure if it was an oversight or something that will matter as the series continues but Sonya and Edouard have a very interesting “history” discussion right in front of Henrietta Sherman, the kidnapped Exotrol CEO. She now clearly knows that Liber8 is from the future. If I had to guess this was not an oversight. The camera clearly zoomed in on her face as the discussion was occurring so that we could see her reactions. I’ll keep this one in the back of my mind as I continue to watch the series.