Comic suggestions

Hey! I’m new to the forum, what are some really good comics that a newbie like me would enjoy?

I just got into them and i love batman, but im intrested to try other things.



Hrm. Bit of an open question, but if you like Batman, you should check out Watchmen (the graphic novel.) I’ll leave others to give more contemporary responses.

Al right, thanks, i’ll check it out.

Agreed on Watchmen, and check out the Batman thread for good Batman books.
I have not read that many comics, but out of the few that I have read, I’d highly recomend Rising Stars. It’s a three book series by J. Michael Straczynski, it deals with Superheroes, but in a very different way then most other comics. Also check out the Star Wars comics thread if you are into Star Wars, some of those are excellent.

Thank you, i’ll be sure to check that out, Fenatic.

Grant Morrisons Batman run, The Authority (first run only), Chew, Invincible, The Walking Dead, Iron Man, Hellboy…

OT, but I had to note that I only now just ‘got’ Fenatic’s handle. Very clever.

Fen is plural of fan, fan is short for fanatic, and one can not reason with a fanatic.

Yes. Don’t run with the joke.

I like what they are doing with Daredevil…the Shadowland concept is pretty interesting.

[spoiler]espcially when you consider in #513, due out in December…Daredevil will be replaced by Black Panther[/spoiler]

Joss Whedon’s run on Astonishing X-Men is really good. “The Sinestro Corps War” arc in Green Lantern is a good place to start if you are interested in GL.

Haha, this is a really hard question to answer. I love comics and read a ton, so I could suggest all kinds of stuff.

It’s been covered elsewhere on this forum, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention Scott Pilgrim.

I’m really into some of the more fun titles. I’ll always recommend Booster Gold and Power Girl as quality fun titles.