Maybe this is a dumb idea, but I thought I’d post it anyway. I’m actively seeking some specific DH/SW comics – in that I’ll probably end up buying them new unless I find them used. If any of you happen to have them and want to unload 'em, PM me. I scour Half Price looking here in the DFW area, but I think I’ve pretty much cleaned 'em out.
Anyway, not trying to pressure anyone. But if you have 'em and want to dump 'em, I’m in the market.
Here’s what I’m spending for right now:[ul]
[li]Boba Fett: Twin Engines of Destruction[/li][li]Boba Fett: Agent of Doom[/li][li]Thrawn Trilogy TPBs (Heir, Rising, Last Command – comics, not novels)[/li][li]Infinities: Return of the Jedi[/li][li]X-Wing Rogue Squadron Omnibus #1[/li][*]The Droids Omnibus[/ul]In the meantime, I’m watching eBay and preparing to be broke at the comic shop.