
So, out of dedication to my homey Jayne I watched the new show “Chuck”. Overall, not bad at all. Quirky, funny…shows promise. I’d recommend it to some peeps who I think would enjoy it.

I am pretty sure this crowd would dig it. Anyone else catch it? This is also an excuse to play with the poll tool…

…wait, that so doesn’t sound right.

I was wondering why you’d have a poll about Chuck. (“Should he stop saying ‘awesome’?”)

Although I’ve been meaning to, I didn’t catch the show. Most reviews I heard were positive.

LOL. That is funny. Yes, this is a poll about Chuck saying awesome. Thing is, now he has reintroduced it back into my vernacular.

<shakes fist and channels Shatner>

It was an ejoyable first episode. Almost anything with Adam Baldwin is worth watching.

I was pleasantly surprised by it, and I’ll probably check it out next week. The only thing that was missing was Adam Baldwin wearing an orange knitted hat with his uniform at the end.

it’s the new GWC podcast drinking game: every time Chuck utters the word “awesome,” take a shot; if he says, “That’s AWEsome!” make it a double.

I played a game like that once. Something about watching “Valley Girl” and taking a drink everytime someone said “like.” I don’t really remember it that well.

(Galactica Watercooler encourages you to drink responsibly. Do not play drinking games you read about on the web.)

This is so the basis for a GWC drinking game thread I will go start…


Yeah, I thought it was a good little show. Definitely worth watching.

yea it was good.

baldwin was better than is straight faced cop on the canceled “day break”,. this role was kinda a cross between that and jayne.

So it was Deputy Jayne?:wink: I really liked it, much better than The Big Bang Theory which mocked BSG. The chromejobs.

I didnt see CHuck, I forgot the Big Bang Theory was on. They mocked BSG! How rude!

The dude defused a bomb with pr0n. I mean, c’mon! How can you top that!?

As far as Adam Baldwin’s character, it seemed to be closer to his role in Angel than to any of his other roles.

He was in Angel?!?

Just caught the pilot, I thought it was very good as well, I’ll dfefinitly be buying that when it comes up on itunes, it was original, interesting and most of all funny.

Big Bang Theory on the other hand was formulaic, uninspired and overall tacky (I mean do we really need another show about a social person helping some geeks but instead learning how ‘cool’ and kind the geeks really are?)


Wow, me and my friend must be the only two people who wern’t that excited about the pilot. I want it to work for Adam, but I was not to crazy about it. I"ll give it a few episodes to find its feet. Its not like Flash Gordan that just sucked from the first second

dyson vacumes rock

As I read your last sentence all I could hear was Jar Jar Binks saying the same thing…

…ugh. :smiley:

I spent ten minutes discussing the merits of Dyson vacuum today with someone I work with

Strange but true… strange but frack’in true

Either way Chuck’s cool

Seemingly unclear on the topic at hand, and remembering a bit on the podcast about chuck’s glasses, The Lonely Toaster points to his own contribution to the Chuck discussion:

I hope this works. I tried adding this Flickr image via the insert image button, but for some reason, even I don’t see the image on Flickr unless I’m signed in.