Chuck 5x01 Chuck Versus the Zoom

Nice. This is going to be like the Kasumi mission in ME2. :smiley:

Yeah, Morgan and Sarah just doesn’t look right on so many levels.

Agent Asshat’s sabotaging their operation?

Wow, first time we’ve seen Chuck on a tech call in a while. Last one might have been when he was working with Lana.

OK, nice gag with the “Don’t leave me behind” thing. Oh, and crap, that’s a couple more million down the drain.

Oh shit, it’s way worse than that. Decker needs to frakking die.

Yeah, Decker needs to die.

And Trinity’s coming in sooner than I thought.

I’m still hoping for an episode with Chuck and Sarah doing a mission against the Conspiracy and matching it up with flashbacks of Orion and Frost on a similar mission.

Oh, and one last scene of the series keeps popping into my head. A skip ahead 20 years or so with their daughter accidentally getting the Intersect.

Is it just me, or were there BSG music cues in the background of the trinity trailer?