Chuck 4x24 Chuck Versus the Cliffhanger

“Nice try. --Dad”

That’s when you take the car.

Always take the sparkplugs. Dad. Always.

Yeah. You’re a doctor. There are a hundreds of things in the hospital to knock that guy out.

And so the learner becomes the master. :cool:

“I guess I must have been a harsh boss.” :smiley:

Considering student loans and training costs and future potential income for the hospital, probably tens of millions, if not more.

the vivian and volkoff who isn’t volkoff moments are nice.

yay the bridesmaids! they’re much more interesting than, say, whatever that movie is supposed to be.

and that guy is a grade a jerkface

casey lol
russians, so many russians

So many guns. Nobody shoots. Oh well.

You know, those troops are basically helpless as they’re falling.

I can only hope that the real CIA isn’t this stupid. :eek:

the twist-tie rings are precious. a friend of mine’s person they’re going to marry found out hir ring size playing with a twist-tie

I had a similar thought.

“Duck Hunt! Where’s the snickering dog?”

Sorry. But they are really dragging this out.

Sofia Vergara.

Bunk. Bunk. Bunk. Bunk.

They didn’t know whether this was the last episode.

Probably why the next season will be its last. They’re sort of running out of stories. :frowning:

David Beckham.

Bunk. Bunk. Bunk. Bunk. :stuck_out_tongue:

How many times has Chuck been suppressed or lost the intersect now?

Was he in that? OK. Something for everyone.

Morgan is the minister. giggle

He was the guy that came up to her at the end asking what was going on.