Chuck 4x20 Chuck Versus the Family Volkoff

Monday, 11 April 2011
8 PM Eastern/Pacific

Random thought. Agent X = Bryce

He’s got his own show now, so I doubt it. I’m thinking it’s Ellie.

Volkoff’s lawyer set this up to turn Vivian against the CIA.

Yay! It’s Rassilon! :stuck_out_tongue:

I like Dalton in this character.

Or it’s Volkoff himself. It’s not like he’d be the first guy to run a criminal empire from prison.

Yeah, Ellie was my first thought too. Just throwing out a random idea.

Anyone expecting a T2 reference from Volkoff in that “I feel” scene?

“I feel like I’m about to have some fun.” :eek: Oh boy.

Thor! SQUEEE!!! :cool:

“How’s the knee?” :smiley:

He didn’t stab anyone in the knee with a pen, so no. d:

Less than a month at last. Feels like I’ve been hearing about this movie for 3 years.

Oh, I have… d:

They let him out? Seriously…

They Hannibal Lectered him! :stuck_out_tongue:

“Hello, name I dunno because I’ve never seen that movie.”

You’ve never seen The Silence of the Lambs? :eek::eek::eek:

Not my type of movie…

This long into the arc before a Chekov joke? :smiley:

Wait, one sample of DNA and that weapon can target an entire family? Got a real bad feeling about this.

Oh, one more post for this break.

What’s up with the prenup? We going to find out about Sarah’s mom’s side of the family?