Chuck 4x13 Chuck Versus the Push Mix

He was going to!

What are the chances Volkoff’s investigator is connected to Orion himself?

I want a Bond do it all iPhone! I could also settle for Chuck badass girlfriend :stuck_out_tongue:

I like Harry’s Law. Anyone else watching that?

Yep - I’m liking it!

I want to order my own meds the next time I’m in the hospital. :stuck_out_tongue:

Next season

  • BuyMorons
  • Alex

Maybe have the BuyMorons show up a couple times a season, but they’ve outlived their usefulness as regulars.

Chuck just clocked a Bond!!

So, Chuck is pretending to be Orion?

I suspected, but didn’t seem like he had enough time to set that up.

They’ve become one trick pony at this point. We need new comic relieve.
Awesome is amazing we he go crazy.

The hubs said he put a thumb drive in the server - stacking the deck?

I still like Big Mike though.

Awesome. Frakking awesome.

That’s what I said!



This feels like a season finally. Is it?

And big Mike is still great.

Yeah, how is it going to go to crap now?

Damn. As cool as it would have been to have Orion back, that plan was so worth the fakeout.

Though it’s lucky Volkoff’s hospital guy didn’t go after Ellie and Awesome first.

It was the finale until they got the back 11 pickup.