Chuck 4x10 Chuck Versus the Leftovers

I meant from Chuck.

And so is Linda Hamilton, but from everything I heard, she loves being on Chuck.

“That is a real threat.”

I knew that was coming.

Lol Morgan…

He also did a movie with Fran Drescher, who was in a show with Awesome.

Hakuna Matata. :stuck_out_tongue:

Intersect 3.0, here we go. :eek:

It’s not a download with out him collapsing…

“Guys, I know Kung Fu. Again.” :smiley:

“I know kung fu… again.” :smiley:

Except the 0.1 but that was probably because of pesky child protection laws. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m hoping this isn’t just a restored 2.0, since it sounded like Ellie tweaked the memory storage a bit. And at the very least, it should include the files from the Orion Cave.

Oh, and now no more Chuck until sometime in January because of the frakking Sing Off.

I somehow missed huge chunks of that episode :frowning: To Hulu I go, I guess

great fun episode. i was hoping that from now on if Chuck flashed on a skill once, he will know it by heart and won’t need to flash again to get it…