Chuck 4x09 Chuck Versus Phase Three

Waiting for someone to step up.

I should mention I love insane people.

Slo-mo water.


I thought that too.

Oh, it’s water… d:

And now it’s a wet t shirt contest!

Pssst, Sarah.

He’s leaving his left side open. Knee him there.

Was that Bruce Lee enough?

This is reminding me of the Babylon 5 episode where they kidnap Sinclair and make him re-live the Battle of the Line.

Nah. More like Tekken.

It doesn’t remind you of that Wutai fight episode?

Damn, I bought into Chuck’s escape. Nice try, doctor.

BRB - gotta put the ice cream back in the freezer. :smiley:

Windows Phone commercial.

Be where U at!

Anyone joining me for the Hawaiian 5-0 frak tonight?

Pass it here.

I worked at K-Mart during an after-Christmas sale. I did third-shift restocking, and then the store opened at 6 AM. As we were leaving, trying to fight our way through the zombie-like crowd crushing toward the door, I said to my co-worker, “What kind of crazy people come here this early?”

Literally as I finished saying that, I caught sight of my sister and her husband. :rolleyes:

Reminded me of Onk-Bak. But let’s face it Sarah is more a DOA type of character :wink:

We can split it up. Who’s gonna frak Castle?

I was non-committed… 50/50.

Me too.

Loved it. :slight_smile: And the ambience is great! I kinda wished it had been the crew of the Serenity in an Alliance bar on Unification day :wink:

Ugh. Hated that commercial, and I love Kohl’s… boo, bad commercial.


I would, but I’m working early in the AM. :frowning: