Chuck 4x02 Chuck Versus the Suitcase

And, there’s the heel!

Marriage & baby?


“Who knows? Maybe we’re next.”

Speaking of Achilles’ womb.

Very difficult to hold someone from the womb and dip her into the Styx. :rolleyes:

That… Was an awful visual…

Maybe it’s just me, but Sarah looked hotter in the dress shirt than either her or the other lady in the dress (and the other lady in nothing).

Oh, and Casey and Austin in the preview? That’ll be a fun fight scene.

I can agree with you there.

I just finished it, and it was ok. The fight choreography was top notch imo. I couldn’t stop myself from comparing it to anime unfortunately. So, the animation (fluidity and character designs) left me wanting. I can’t give it a full recommendation, but if you’re curious and have time (it’s only 78 minutes), then give it a try.

awesome episode, this is the chuck i know.

i was in guam, so i caught the episode on tv… well… late still, but i got to experience it with commercials…

love the episodes where everyone shows up. cat fight awesomeness is going to continue to next episode i guess.

man, that burn healed really quickly for Sarah. i guess the government has dermal-regenerator already, but is holding out on us pimply peeps…

whenever Morgen shines, it usually is a great episode. love how perceptive Ellie and Awesome are with the Buy More. It’s just not the same without the Buy Morons.

Uhhhh, what blond have we here?

Captain Awesome…too much, simply too much.

“Romeo & Juliet, Tristan & Isolde, Anakin & Padme” :smiley:

And he had to go with the Spiderman reference. lol

HULK SMASH! :smiley:

Yay, Jeff and Lester, why the hell are they recording this? lol

Firefly quote: “They may be idiots, but they are my idiots!” :slight_smile: Jedi mind trick :smiley:

Awesome cat fight!

Record, or it didn’t happen! :wink:

Naomi also should be there.

Ivonne channeled Matthew Fox for it. lol