Chuck 4x02 Chuck Versus the Suitcase

Monday, 27 September 2010
8 PM Eastern/Pacific

Sorry guys, think I’m going to sit this one out. I’ll be watching the show, but I’m tired enough that I don’t feel like running up and down the steps the whole show.

Nice legs. Dockers?

Why is he taking advice from Morgan?


I still can’t get used to the general standing so much.

Who is taller? She or Morgan?

Where are folks?

Lol. Pinchot!

Look at me. Look at your agent. Now back to me. :smiley:

Apocalypse is out. I need to check that out.

Has anyone seen that Superman / Batman Apocalypse thing?

Taste Canada? Hmmm, interesting. I’m trying to cut back on eating countries, though.

It appears Morgan is taller than the General.

Josh Gomez is 5’ 7¾" (very specific giggle).

Bonita Friedericy looks a little shorter, of course, she’s also wearing heels.

ETA: Bonita Friedericy is 5’3".

The General runs a store like Zorg runs his office.

I’m not surprised.

Why is the Spiderman kiss so popular?

Lou Ferrigno!

The HULK!!

I met him at last year’s convention!!

Well, it was hot!
