An enthusiastic effort. What I’m surprised about was the bad guys used a dart gun to knock out the patients and not shoot them with real bullets.
Night Starsaber, got some chores to do before Big Bang Theory.
Double “Oh crap” at the end there.
Though I did get a chuckle out of Ellie blasting Casey with the frying pan.
Good thing about my business travel is that frak parties will be easier in a hotel room (assuming I don’t have to stay late at the site and miss the show)
so… Chuck is now seeing the future???
pretty intense episode only added to my already strong fear of mental institutions…
i love the way the set up Ellie for future stories. Finally Ellie is going to be at the center of the action.
I want Christopher Lloyd to be my shrink. It would never work, though. I’d keep going, “Do the thing. Do the thing. 21 gigawatts!! Do Jim from Taxi!!”
While Chuck is in the psych ward, the video on the monitors at the Buy More were Rorschach inkblots! That’s great.
“It was a good idea, Merlin.”
HA! That was great and why I love this show. Moments like that make this show so special.
“So will Merlin, Chuck. So will Merlin.”