Chuck 3x13 Chuck Versus the Other Guy

Chuck = Doomsday? :eek:

i swear i would do the opposite of everything chuck does. i mean they wanted to send him to ROme with the cover of being an eccentric millionaire. and sara was being a pain at the time. id be so there.

shaw would have been toast as soon as a arrived on scene. no conversation. i guess i wouldnt make a very interesting tv show.

Not enough to overcome his annoying me!

What choice did he have?

Yes. Yes he was. :stuck_out_tongue:

I wonder if he’ll get a show of his own somewhere, since his movie career seems to have tanked. :frowning:

im so tired of everything being about what she is ok with.

Please Sarah, don’t hate him. PLEASE.

he was a great gay guy in “zack and miri”


did they recover shaws body? maybe he will turn up jason bourne style. recurring villain.


And Morgan joined the team!

Killing a guy for national security = bad

Killing a guy for her = so, so hot. :smiley:

Anna!!! Woohoo!!! :smiley:

No kidding!

Yes he was. I’d forgotten about that.

Sadly, Zack & Miri fame doesn’t translate well to general fame. :frowning:

did they recover shaws body? maybe he will turn up jason bourne style. recurring villain.

Bryce Larkin seems to keep coming back from the dead, so it’s not unprecedented.

Morgan as a part of the team? I like him a lot more in Season 2 (only 4 episodes until I’m done with it) and the three episodes I’ve seen of Season 3 than I did in Season 1, but still… No, just no.

That was a fabulous episode - Shaw always rubbed me the wrong way, nice to see that he wasn’t so awesome. The Casey-Morgan stuff was great. And yay chuck and Sarah! lol. 3 weeks until the next episode messes people up again :stuck_out_tongue:

i really enjoyed the episode but i have to ask… if chuck had killed the mole, which he didn’t, he would have killed him in self defense. So what’s changed for Sarah that he killed to protect her or protect himself?

Well the mole killing was a planned hit that she gave the order to carry out. Killing Shaw was not Chucks intention and did so in complete self defense for himself and for Sarah.

planned or not, Chuck had no intention of killing the mole either, and if he did kill him, he would have done it because he was trying to defend himself. I mean if Chuck wanted to kill the mole, he had plenty of opportunities to do so before the train tracks. And Sarah knows that too…

i dunno… it isn’t that big of a deal, but it just bugged me a little. not enough to stop me from enjoying the episode tho. but they need to make a hotter Chuck and Sarah make out scene… like the one from season 2.

Going to watch it in an hour or so, just got it off itunes