Casey’s lying about the pill!
Is that the real pill or another choice candy?
Of course, pills don’t work that fast. Casey slipped him a placebo, methinks.
Great fights.
Hive mind!
Oh crap oh crap oh crap
Was she about to tell him they have a kid?
Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap.
Aw. I’m verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves.
Good use of the word verklempt.
'Cept I wasn’t really saying crap, were you?
I know! pat, pat, sniffle
Another “standing” General moment!
Your second second chance, which is two more than most people get.
As a civilian.
Whuh-whuh-what??? :eek:
Casey’s retired!?!?
Is he leaving the show? :eek:
Oh no! He can not leave.
So no one’s left but Chuck and Morgan? :eek:
Chuck should not be making me cry!
Whew - we escaped with Ellie and Awesome in tact!