Chuck 3x08 Chuck Versus The Fake Name

Monday, 1 March 2010
8 PM Eastern/Pacific

“Famous chicken pepperoni”

Sounds scary. :eek:

Brandon Routh is smokin’ hot.

That is all.

mmm, Johnny Messner. :stuck_out_tongue:

Superman has a temper…

Heh. It’s the idiot clone from The Spirit. :slight_smile:

O. M. Gs.

Clash of the Titans looks OSSIM!!! :eek:

“That’s the mouth of a professional.”

Oh. My. :eek:

“A man’s gotta have other hobbies besides murder.”

So true, so true. :slight_smile:


Yeah, don’t blame you. It would be hard to talk to him like that.

Unless the only thing you want to say is uh… um… mmm… :eek:

“I’m Sam. My real name is Sam.”

OMGs! Sarah’s a man! :eek: :stuck_out_tongue:

“The guy you’re about to whack is bangin’ your girl?”
“It sure seems that way, doesn’t it?” :smiley:

“They’re across the street with a sniper rifle. They’re gonna kill all of us!”
“No. I’m gonna kill all of you.” :eek:

“Five people in the world that can make this shot, huh? Guess I’m one of 'em.” :smiley:

Hannah’s 'bout to get dumped. :frowning:

Chuck’s a great liar. Ouch. :frowning:

Well, fun as always. Thanks for frakkin’ with me! :slight_smile:

Le sigh. :frowning:

i loved that line… sorry can’t frak real time as usual…

Sam? Sam Walker? The Texas Ranger? I wonder where the writers are going with this.

another thing that kept me wondering, where are they going with the Casey mystery alias?

Sarah and Shaw together really bothers me… every time they kiss i yell out “NO~~~~~” in Australian accent.

I thunk the same thing.