Monday, 1 February 2010
8 PM Eastern/Pacific
Morgan could explode at any second. :eek:
Lana…err…Kristen is really cute in that uniform.
Hannah and Lester have the same hairstyle. Creepy.
Kinda has a Japanese schoolgirl vibe to it, IMO.
Fellow MIT dropout!
Chuck should have hugged him. That would have sealed the deal.
Lol. Kinda yeah, but not as much as Anna though. Not even close.
I wanna see Lightning Thief…
So is Chuck a step up or step down from Smallville. Definitely up from Chun Li…
Oh yeah, definitely. Looks awesome.
Considering where her storylines were headed in Smallville, definitely a step up.
I have Chun Li but haven’t watched it yet. My hopes are low.
LOL Morgan’s “office”
Nice one!
“They don’t waste the blondes on just anyone.”
Jeff & Lester are particularly creepy right there.
Kristen’s character is named Hannah. The last female worker was named Anna.
Something up?
She’s a man! Uh. :eek:
That’s awesome!
“Frak Off” shirt.
I feel sorry for Chuck now. But, dayum that was a great scene.