Chuck 3x01 Chuck Versus the Pink Slip

Pants falling down was definitely old Chuck.

“We could run.”

That would never work.

Because he was the PLAN. People hate when someone changes the PLAN.

Oh helll yea…that is one helluva sexy sarah!!

Awwwww! sniffle

Ok Sarah…that is a waste of an Iphone. you could just block his number.

It’s already been revealed. :slight_smile:

Wait - he gave up SARA? What was he smoking?


There’s not an app for that.

Imagine that. Someone makes an app that forces the person to answer. Like a transforming robot. Sorry. I’ll go back to the corner.

Why’d you have to bring that up when I’m missing that right now. d:

Bwahahahaha! Morgan!

Oh. It’s a commercial.

I’m kinda thinking Zachary Levi in boxers is dang sexy too!

Ok - that was a cute commercial. :slight_smile:

Uh huh! Rawr!

Dude, that was way too fast.

And, I thought that commercial was part of the episode.

Because he’s awesome. :smiley:

OK, well, that too. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s on again at 11.

Mmmmmm, cheese balls!

OK the beard is gross

I missed this show.

We should write a thank you.