Monday, March 30th, at 8 PM ET/PT
I’m here!!
If I was Chuck, I can’t imagine ever sleeping in a room with electricity.
A 49B!
Oh no!!
So who’s gonna be Daddy Bartowski?
“That is the taste of a healthy colon.”
OK. Ew!
There are many copies.
Is he on tonight? I know Six is. Oh there she is. THERE SHE IS!! A little Wrath of Khan humour.
Or any sort of portable electronics…
I know. Disgusting.
And sigged.
Can I have an aset handler?
I got one already I just wanted to ask.
Isn’t your “asset handler” on the boards?
If hot girls like that worked at the YOCream, I’d eat more healthy.
Speaking of which, I just listened to your scene with Topgun again. It gets more awesome every time I listen to it.
Oh, and “humour”? Are you a closet Brit?
Oh yeah. Spelling mistakes are fun. I hope Aset doesn’t see that.
At least it was just a tranq. She could have snapped her neck.
Poor Chuck is having braingasms!
Doctor bit FTW!!
Where do I know this guy from? Oh yeah the prejudice Persian from ‘Crash’ married to Deanna Troi whom I almost killed through the TV when I thot he shot a child.
Quarter bets on Casey and Six hooking up by the end of the episode?
That was so much fun.
It’s the Euro-trash blood flowing through my veins. I’m a WASP mutt.