Chuck 2x08 Chuck Versus the Gravitron

There’s a fuse box for that.

Lovin’ the music. Totally goes with the Cobrastyle.

Otherwise known as a quarter-frakkintalos. :smiley:

There’s also a cattle prod or a stun gun. :slight_smile:

He just wished for a Delorian!!

Oh snap!! Bulldog on the next Chuck!!

See you in Heroes…

Thanks everyone. Enjoyed it.

THanks everyone! Enjoy hereoes. I’m off to level my warlock! :wink:


that is all.

anybody refrakking?

I’m here. Sorry, lost track of time. :slight_smile:

evening, Mr BadgerSpoon! so kind of you to accompany me :slight_smile:

sad-sack bleeding heart? okay

coffee should not be served in weird cups like that

Where are you? You know, this is a lot easier when you tell me when to start. :stuck_out_tongue:

You must be kidding! Those cups are teh shiznit! :smiley:

Mrs. Awesome might find her to be more acceptable if she used adverbs. :slight_smile:

I’m sorry. my internal sense of the perpetually impending deadline compels me to start at 7:00 whether I’m alone or not.

just came back from the opening credits.

nope, I need my coffee straightforward and not in cups I’m likely to dribble from (thus spake the most decidedly NOT morning person in a morning person job)

adverbs are the lazy tool of a weak mind