Chuck 2x08 Chuck Versus the Gravitron

Big Mike…

Tell me Big Mike’s not gonna show up at the castle.

LOL! “The nerd in me”

“Unleash the Casey.” :smiley:

WOOT! Unleaaash the Casey!

Unleash the Casey. Ha!

Is Big Mike gonna save the day?

Big Mike!!!

You were right. It’s Big Mike.

Unleash the Big Mike! w00t!!!

C’mon make a football reference. Nah Oh well.

BAHAHAHAHA!!! That was awesome!

Piss off, you lying…


“Detention Mode” Where can I get that for my truck?

Way to go Chuck. Well, that’ll cure the broken heart.

Who would you use that on? Blind dates?

Holy cow - I’m an OG and a half!!!

I so hope the Awesome’s show up before the end.

The hub when he messes with my seat and such…