Big Mike…
Tell me Big Mike’s not gonna show up at the castle.
LOL! “The nerd in me”
“Unleash the Casey.”
WOOT! Unleaaash the Casey!
Unleash the Casey. Ha!
Is Big Mike gonna save the day?
Big Mike!!!
You were right. It’s Big Mike.
Unleash the Big Mike! w00t!!!
C’mon make a football reference. Nah Oh well.
BAHAHAHAHA!!! That was awesome!
Piss off, you lying…
“Detention Mode” Where can I get that for my truck?
Way to go Chuck. Well, that’ll cure the broken heart.
Who would you use that on? Blind dates?
Holy cow - I’m an OG and a half!!!
I so hope the Awesome’s show up before the end.
The hub when he messes with my seat and such…