Hey. I need a new iMac, and I need an experienced opinion to let me know how much of a machine I need. Work might buy it for me. So we’re doing the dance to strike a balance between what I need and what I want.
I need to run InDesign, Photoshop, iTunes, Chrome @ same time, maybe Yahoo messenger, with a few web pages/tabs open.
…am I fooling myself to think the base model 2.5 processor+an extra 4 GB RAM will work sufficiently? Especially if I want it to last long? Do I NEED the 2.7 processor on top of the 4 GB ram if I want to make it last 5 years?
Does anyone run a similar array of apps? What kind of machine do you have?
Here’s my standard disclaimer: I’m tech-illiterate, so talk to me like I’m slow. Because I am.
Thank you!