Choosing a new iMac -- help me pick my specs based on these needs?

Hey. I need a new iMac, and I need an experienced opinion to let me know how much of a machine I need. Work might buy it for me. So we’re doing the dance to strike a balance between what I need and what I want.

I need to run InDesign, Photoshop, iTunes, Chrome @ same time, maybe Yahoo messenger, with a few web pages/tabs open.

…am I fooling myself to think the base model 2.5 processor+an extra 4 GB RAM will work sufficiently? Especially if I want it to last long? Do I NEED the 2.7 processor on top of the 4 GB ram if I want to make it last 5 years?

Does anyone run a similar array of apps? What kind of machine do you have?

Here’s my standard disclaimer: I’m tech-illiterate, so talk to me like I’m slow. Because I am.

Thank you!

That will do fine, especially with the extra RAM.

Thanx sir… Do you mean the 2.5, the 2.7, or either?

Either. You’re unlikely to notice the difference, unless you’re doing something really crazy in Photoshop.

ETA: I do design work quite comfortably on a 2Ghz dual core Mac.

You’ll be fine with the extra RAM. I’m a graphic designer and use the programs you mention. The faster processor is not necessary unless you will be doing major video editing.



Processor speed can be a defining factor for system requirements, even if it doesn’t make that much of a difference. Apple’s Memory costs a fortune, buy it after purchasing the machine and install it yourself. It’s super easy on the iMacs.

I’m an advocate of getting the top of the line when you can. I don’t like to replace computers often, I’m running fine off of my 2008 iMac and probably will be for the near-term. Macs can last a long time.

Quick Note:
The Mac Buyer’s guide that Juan always references in Modern Geek says “Hold off” for the iMacs