Charlie Jade

I have been watching Charlie Jade and have enjoyed it. I would like to start a discussion of it and its rather complicated story line. Even though the station I will not name is making it hard to find it is a great show. So set your DVRs to Tuesday at 3:00 a.m. and let us talk.

Is anyone watching Charlie Jade?

Is anyone up that late?

I DVR everything. Since when I work I get up at about 5 a.m. I record everything past 9p.m. It is a really good show. I just wish I was not the only one watching it. It was like someone said let us buy this great show and then somebody in power said no way.

If anyone would like me to tell them about the first 3 episodes I will in private. There is also a podcast by the creator who does the commentary.

I watched the first couple of episodes scifi shown on fridays, but the last to weeks they havent shown them. I was curious so I hope they didnt drop it.


Scifi movied it to Tuesday at 3:00 a.m. so set the DVR or get up early to watch it.

well that would explain it!!

That explains why you could not find CJ. I wish it would explain why in the frak they did it.

Yeah I know!! Instead of watchin Dr. who rerun form last week and Sarah Jane is on mid season hiatus.

It does take a little getting used–Its a bit slow, but interesting.

I thought it interesting when I looked at the episode information on my dvr that it started out at episode 22, then the next week was episode 21–obviously counting down to 1.


I missed that. I know they split the 2 hour movie into two episodes but I never noticed any number. I think it is only slow since they have to show 3 worlds at the same time period. I liked how they did the memorial services in all the worlds at the same time. It is not Hulk Smash but more of a thinking show and very character driven. Keep watching it and go to itunes and they have a companion podcast by one of the creators. It is very interesting. You have to pay attention to things like the color of each world or you could forget what vers you are in.

I spotted it once when scrolling through listings, thought hummm whats that, got distracted and that was the end of that. I’ll have set up the DVR and try to catch up.

Hey Chuck-J came on sci-fi last night!!! episode 4 so i guess that I havent missed anything!!


So what did you think?

Its really startin to get more intreresting now that we are 10 episodes in. I really wanna know whats up with 01. Is he nutters, or does he have more of a connection to the dimentions that affects his personallity?? And chucks pants—them damn same pants every frakkin episode!!!

Late to the party again.

Just heard about “Charlie Jade”
Watched some clips and it looks really good, intelligent.

The DVD is out, but only the UK version. Anyone know if that will play on players/computers here in the US?